For Immediate Release
Contact:Keep Safe Care, Inc.
844 492 2273
Keep Safe Care Offers No Cost Care to Veterans
Keep Safe Care partners with Veterans Homecare to offer Aid & Attendant Benefit to Veterans in Central Texas
AUSTIN, TX, Feb 28, 2023 – Keep Safe Care, launched in Austin, Texas two years ago to address the growing cost and inefficiencies of the private duty sector as well as to rectify some of the issues of low caregiver pay, truancy and turnover, has partnered with Veterans Home Care, a nonprofit organization which helps veterans determine if they qualify for the Veterans Administration Aid & Attendant benefit, and if they do, help them secure that benefit. This VA Aid & Attendant benefit provides veterans or widowed spouses of veterans a stipend each month to pay for caregivers who help them with activities of daily living within their own homes.“Since beginning this journey and founding Keep Safe Care, there have been two things I have been passionate about,” states Jeffrey Fry, co-founder of Keep Safe Care. “First, is increasing the wages paid to caregivers without increasing the costs to clients; and second, trying to secure the Veterans Aid and Attendant (VA A&A) benefit for as many veterans as possible. While we have been successful with our first goal, the second was more allusive until we found and partnered with Veterans Home Care.”Mr. Fry continues, “Prior to our partnership with Veterans Home Care, there was little we could do to help veterans other than tell them about this benefit. With this partnership, we can direct clients to knowledgeable experts who can quickly arrange for funds to qualified vets. This is a real game changer for us as we start our expansion across the United States, not only as a referral source, but also as a partner who truly serves veterans.”Keep Safe Care is planning on initiating the sales of software licenses of their innovative Private Duty Model in the second quarter of 2023 and has already been approached by investors and partners interested in accelerating the roll out of what the Company calls its “Agency in a Box” concept. These software licenses will be priced to allow private duty operators to allocate funds to hire critical staff and do hyper local marketing so that they can successfully start a new business or expand an existing business.

About Veterans Home Care
Veterans Home Care was founded in 2003, after Edith Sperling, mother of our founder, Bonnie Laiderman, passed away from cancer. Late in Edith’s illness, Bonnie learned of a Department of Veterans Affairs pension known as “Aid & Attendance.” It helps veterans or their surviving spouses receive personal care services to help them retain their quality of life and stay in their households. Since 2003, they have successfully helped more than 22,000 veterans and surviving spouses access quality home care and a VA Pension with Aid and Attendance to pay for that care.

Veterans Home Care’s mission is to assist veterans who protected our freedom to stay in their homes and live with dignity. Their VetAssist Program regional managers and specialists have worked with thousands of veterans and their surviving spouses to help them understand the intent and purpose of Aid and Attendance. Veterans Home Care also simplify the Aid and Attendance application process. For more information call (888) 314-6075 or visit them at veteranshomecare.com.

About Keep Safe Care
Keep Safe Care is about revolutionizing the way that private duty agencies deliver care. The company wants to change the old mold of big companies controlling franchises, and eliminating franchises’ problems of caregiver truancy and turnover. Keep Safe Care’s goal is to reduce caregiver truancy and turnover by empowering caregivers and those who are receiving care. The company holds the promise of increasing Caregivers standard wage, while at the same time, reducing caregiving costs by 10% to 15% over other traditional private duty franchises. For more information go to keepsafecare.com.

How We Treat Our Caregivers

“We see caregivers as an asset that can be cultivated as opposed to an expense that can be replaced.”

This quotation is important for a number of reasons, but the primary one is because we want to employ caregivers who not only give superior, quality care, but who are reliable, dependable, courteous, trustworthy, and kind. The only way Keep Safe Care will attract and keep highly motivated and engaged caregivers is to treat them with respect, consider them as part of the team, pay them higher wages, empower them to make choices in their jobs and careers, and to offer training to advance their caregiving career.

While most agencies say they have great caregivers and boast about their quality, compassion, reliability, and experience; the industry average for turnover has risen to 83% and truancy (no-shows) is 25%. This begs the question: If these agencies treated their caregivers so well, why is there so much turnover and absenteeism?

So, how does Keep Safe Care combat these horrific truancy and turnover rates with caregivers? It starts with our caregivers and partners. We are passionate about treating our caregivers like responsible adults and giving them the tools to deliver great care. Secondly, Keep Safe Care strives to pay our caregivers substantially more than the industry average and we take less in profits from our clients. In small words, we are less greedy, or maybe, more generous. Finally, Keep Safe Care is constantly training our caregivers to improve their skills and value in the caregiving marketplace.
The result: better, more reliable, dependable, consistent care for you; better, happier, more committed caregivers for us.

Taken in combination, Keep Safe Care has reduced both truancy and staff turnover to under 5% and has become the Gold Standard of caregiving in America.